CCL Secure

Corporate Social Responsibility

CCL Secure is committed to corporate practice underpinned by ethics, transparency and exemplary governance. We set the highest standard for our people and products and expect the same throughout our supply chain. Our clean business practices are supported by independent certifications as well as dedicated governance and integrity policies.

Corporate Governance and Compliance Management

CCL Secure works in accordance with the CCL Industries Global Business Ethics Guide and CCL Secure Global Business Ethics Supplement. Our comprehensive corporate governance and compliance management practices are designed to ensure absolute confidence among stakeholders, staff, products, services and reputation.

Integrity and Ethics Program

We build long-term relationships based on collaboration, trust and ethical conduct. We recognise that our business is not only built around our technology and our expertise, but also our people. In our business, mutual trust is an essential element of every relationship that we build. We set high standards for ourselves and expect the same from everyone in our supply chain of products or services. CCL Secure’s Integrity and Ethics Program meets or exceeds international standards including the UK Bribery Act 2010. Our Integrity and Ethics Policy Framework is supported by a number of policies relating to anti-bribery and anti-corruption, antitrust, charitable donations, conflict of interest, consumer protection, sanctions, sponsorship and whistleblower protection.

Sustainability Statement

CCL Secure is committed to reducing our impact on the environment. Our ‘Aim for Zero’ strategy focuses on key areas such as people, equality, diversity, health and safety, and continually reducing our carbon footprint on our journey to carbon neutrality. At CCL Secure we understand and embrace our commitment to operate sustainably for generations to come. Our commitment is backed by significant investment that produces quantifiable results.

With our implementation of health and safety, environment, quality and IT management systems, we monitor and measure our performance in accordance with internationally recognised (ISO) standards, ensuring that we are always continually improving, compliant with all relevant regulatory obligations, and setting high standards in line with the principles of best practice. CCL Secure also adopts principles established in other standards, such as the requirements of the Bank Note Ethics (BNEI) initiative and QES, as applicable to the business.

Privacy Policy

The Privacy Policy sets out how we collect, use and store personal information, who can access your personal information and how you can contact us at our sites in Australia, Mexico and England. We are committed to respecting your privacy and complying with all relevant laws.

Privacy Policy / Política de Privacidad

Ethics Hotline

CCL Secure encourages all staff and stakeholders to report any behaviour or occurrence that seems unacceptable, inappropriate or illegal. The CCL Industries’ Ethics Hotline can be contacted free of charge from any country, seven days a week, 24/7, via phone, internet, e-mail or post. Details are in our Global Business Ethics Guide.

Banknote Ethics Initiative (BnEI)

Our plants in Australia, Mexico and the U.K all hold a Banknote Ethics Initiative Level 1 Accreditation. CCL Secure was one of the first three organisations in the industry to attain this recognition.

Anti-slavery Policy and Commitment to Global Labour laws

CCL Secure implements procedures to ensure that we and our supply chain comply with global labour laws, including respective Modern Slavery laws. CCL Secure supports the principles of human rights and the elimination of forced labour, child labour and discrimination in respect of employment. CCL Secure implements risk-based due diligence procedures to provide assurance that our suppliers are responsible partners in our service delivery. This includes a signed declaration that suppliers will comply with our Code of Conduct and Ethics for suppliers.